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Why IB

Why IB

Why IB? What is the Advantage?

By studying IB, students develop core skills for success at post-secondary. The Diploma students develop:
  • an understanding of and appreciation for research
  • presentation and communication skills
  • critical thinking skills
  • report writing skills
  • a sense of international mindedness and cultural understanding
  • ​time management skills​
Across different studies, researchers have found that:
  • IB Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum and assessment compares favourably to a variety of other respected qualifications
  • DP students tend to complete their undergraduate degrees at higher rates than their peers, and often in less time.
  • IB students tend to make more contributions to campus life by participating in activities such as community service, tutoring, assisting faculty in research, studying abroad, internships, and joining clubs and other student groups.
  • IB goes to great lengths to ensure the validity and reliability of their assessments. IB assessments have been demonstrated as strong predictors of university performance.

Creating the leaders of tomorrow, today.

When IB students are admitted to university they also have the advantage of transfer credits. Students in the IB diploma programme study 3 higher level (HL) courses which are taught at the university level. Students achieving the required grade in higher level courses can get transfer credits when applying to university.

Please consult the BC Transfer Guide ( for more information on how IB courses are credited at Universities in British Columbia.